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What is Afedo?

Afedo is an ancestral feeding ritual used to empower your ancestors to strengthen their ability to communicate, support, and protect you and your loved ones.

For millennia, all societies have had indigenous methods of venerating and paying homage to ancestors. However, in today’s society, we are largely estranged from these practices and that is why we are here to help

Why feed your ancestors?

  • Strengthen your personal relationship ancestral connection and communication.

  • Empower your ancestors to better support you.

  • Acknowledge their existence and show gratitude

👇Check out this one-minute video on Afedo👇

Ancestral Feeding Ritual Fee

 $265, excluding transfer fees.

* If payment is made in a currency other than USD, please use the exchange rate of the day of transfer * 

We accept payments primarily via PayPal and Venmo.

*If you can’t use any of the above payment methods, please select “other” in the form below and we will contact you regarding other payment methods (Direct Bank Transfer or WorldRemit).

  • PayPal
    (Please send as "support" so the transfer isn't flagged. Thank you.)
    PayPal link

  • Venmo (US): 
    (Please send as "support" so the transfer isn't flagged. Thank you.)
    Account name: @senavoncujovi

*In the case Venmo asks, the last four digits of our phone number are 9139*

Sign up for Ancestral Feeding Ritual

Please fill out this form if you are interested in feeding your ancestors this Mid-Year Ceremony 2024.

Please only fill out this form if you have completed the payment or are ready to do so.